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Southwest Key

Immigrant Housing Provider Southwest Key Programs Rife With Widespread Child Sex Abuse, Reports

In a bombshell lawsuit, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has claimed that Southwest Key Programs Inc. (Southwest Key), the largest housing provider of unaccompanied migrant children, was rife with widespread child sex abuse for at least 8 years. Employees and supervisors alike were accused of sexually assaulting children beginning in 2015 (but possibly earlier), as well as distributing sexually explicit images of children. At this time, two employees have been indicted based on child sex abuse allegations from 2020. 

How Many Children Were Abused by Southwest Key? 

Currently, it is unknown to the public and news groups how many children were subjected to sexual abuse carried out by Southwest Key employees. The housing network operates dozens of housing centers and shelters in Texas, Arizona, and California, primarily for migrant children who are not accompanied by an adult or guardian. More than 6,000 children are believed to live in a Southwest Key property at any given time, so it is conceivable that hundreds or thousands of children have been sexually abused since 2015. 

Specifically in the lawsuit, though, the DOJ pointed to more than 100 reports of sexual abuse by Southwest Key employees throughout the years. One allegation outlines how an employee at the Casa Franklin shelter in El Paso, Texas, would repeatedly sexually abuse children as young as 5 years old while threatening to “kill their families if they disclosed the abuse.” In fact, a common thread among the allegations is that sexual abuse was commonly paired with violent threats if the children spoke up or retaliated. 

Statements from the DOJ & Southwest Key 

Within the lawsuit, the DOJ stated, “In some cases, Southwest Key employees threatened children to maintain their silence. In harassing these children, these Southwest Key employees exploited the children’s vulnerabilities, language barriers, and distance from family and loved ones.” 

On the other hand, Southwest Key has disputed the DOJ lawsuit outright. It has said that it will review the complaint but has not yet made any promise to review its policies or employees for issues that could potentially point toward or enable the sexual abuse of the children in its care. 

Call Our Firm for Questions About the Lawsuit 

The Zalkin Law Firm, P.C., one of the nation’s most trusted law firms for child sexual abuse cases and representation, is currently investigating this DOJ lawsuit against Southwest Key Programs. If you or someone you know was sexually abused while living in a Southwest Key propertywe want to hear from you. The more people who come forward and speak up, the stronger the potential case against Southwest Key can become. It might be possible to file a lawsuit (separate from the DOJ lawsuit) for your damages and suffering. 

We represent clients nationwide. Learn more about your legal options by dialing (800) 477-2989. All consultations are free and confidential

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